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5 Tips For Feeling Your Best On Your Wedding Day!

Updated: Sep 26, 2022

To all our beautiful brides who entrust us with THE very most important day of your life... this one is for you. You’ve put all your time and energy into making sure every detail is perfect and everyone involved is happy, so now it’s time to make sure you’re feeling your best for your wedding day!!

1. Try On Your Full Look Ahead of Time

You will have enough details to think about the morning of your wedding, but wondering whether your bridal look is everything you’ve dreamed of shouldn’t be one of them! That’s why you should try on your full look — dress, hair, makeup, and accessories — well before the wedding day. Take it from women who have been there, you’ll feel so much better knowing that all the accessories you bought coordinate perfectly, the hairstyle you saw on Pinterest really is that pretty in real life, and your makeup flawlessly ties everything together. If you’re getting bridal portraits done, you have the perfect reason to try on your full look (and the added bonus of seeing it on camera). If you’re not getting bridal portraits done, schedule a girls’ dinner for that evening so you can wear the makeup and/or hairstyle

2. Stay Hydrated

So the rule is that you should drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water per day. Not only does it helps keep your energy up, it gives your skin a gorgeous glow, keeps your metabolism firing all day and decreases bloating, so you’ll feel as good on the inside as you look on the outside. When you’re dehydrated, your body has to fight both the physical stress of dehydration and any emotional stress you might feel on your wedding day, which will make it harder to be fully present. So Bella, make sure to keep a water bottle handy and ask your MOH to check that it is full all day long.

3. Whatever You, Don't Switch Up Your Beauty Routine.

The night before or the morning of your wedding is not the time to try out a new beauty routine, such as a face mask you saw on Instagram or a new shape for your eyebrows. If you want to experiment with new products, buy and try them at least three to four weeks before the wedding so you’ll have plenty of time to see how your skin reacts. There would be nothing worse than trying something new the night before and waking up with undesirable results. So, give yourself time to find what makes your skin look best and stick to that all the way up through the wedding day.

4. Get Enough Sleep!!

Everyone tells brides to make sure they get enough sleep the night before their wedding right... but we all know one night of good sleep isn’t enough to make you feel your absolute best. Most of us take at least two days to recover from one night of poor sleep, so make it a goal to get 8 hours of sleep every night for the entire week before your wedding. Yes, that’s much easier said than done. Trust us we know but it’s important for your nervous system to have adequate time to rest. Especially with the added stress and nerves you may encounter while wedding planning. If you’re having trouble shutting off your brain, spritz some essential oils, like lavender (our fav.) or chamomile, on your pillow. You’ll have plenty of time to not sleep on your honeymoon, so indulge in some quality beauty rest as much as possible before the wedding.

5. Pass Off Your Phone

This final tip might be a no-brainer, but we think it’s important to reiterate. You shouldn’t be doing any work or coordination on your wedding day. None, Nada, Zip! Even if you give all your guests a contact person’s number, chances are someone is going to text or email you with questions on the morning of your wedding. Therefore, take it from us, give your phone to someone you trust, like your MOH and let them handle any questions that come up. Your only job on your wedding day is to feel your best, be fully present in every moment, and have the day you’ve always dreamed of! #BellaBrides


The Bella Team

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